Wednesday, 20 February 2019

License Impact In UP: 75 Presses And Two Dozen Spindles Peeling Machines’ Orders Have Been Confirmed

The recent order of issuing new license for plywood and veneer units in Uttar Pradesh, has given a boost to plywood machinery suppliers. As per report, the machinery manufacturers and suppliers are getting calls every day for hydraulic press, peeling machines, Boilers, Driers, Veneer Core Composer, Sanding Machines, DD saw, Fork lift etc. A Yamuna Nagar based machinery supplier confirmed to the Ply Reporter correspondent that he received two dozen queries and some orders are in final stage where as some people ask for quotation. The machine suppliers are upbeat as they keep getting 2-3 calls related to UP plants everyday.

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1 comment:

  1. JamunaEngineering is a TOP Plywood Machinery. The raw materials for these plywood machine are sourced from reliable vendors ensuring high durability, tensile strength and resistivity to adverse conditions. Our cutting edge technology facilitates in the fabrication of a world class gamut of Plywood Section including Core Dry Press Plywood Machine, Belt Sander Plywood Machine, Log Debarker Machine, Glue Spreader Machine and others. These are available in different specifications such as length, diameter, thickness etc.


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